grep regex digit

> $ grep ‘word1’ _filename_ | grep ‘word2’. A simple example is matching the start of a line. Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014 It’s starting with ASM2_ , than sometimes comes BSSE_ sometimes don’t, than every time comes one of these H3CO, BF3CO, BH3NH3, BF3NH3, BH3PH3, BH3, BF3, CO, NH3, PH3 than _ than one of these HF, B3LYP, PW91 than / and than one of these 6-31G(d), 6-311G(d), 6-311++G(2d,p) and this is the end of line. Knowing how to construct regular expressions can be very helpful when searching text files, writing scripts, or filtering command output. Post Posting Guidelines Formatting - Now. One example would be As an MPE user, you may find regular expressions difficult to use at first. Match an empty string at the beginning of a word. Grep regex how to. Because GNU grep is one of the tools I use the most (that provides a more or less standardized implementation of regular expressions), I will use that set of expressions as the basis for this article. I hope this is more clear. Most characters, including all letters and digits, are regular expressions that match themselves. A pattern consists of operators, constructs literal characters, and meta-characters, which have special meaning. Consider the following demo.txt file: test 2 There’s just a small chance of matching other things, too. Quantifiers allow you to specify the number of occurrences of items that must be present for a match to occur. but try this one : As far as i’m concerned there ‘re hundreds of other way to go from A to B in unix ,but these were the simplest i could think of. [0-9]. Active 8 months ago. An alternative version using the locale-independent class is grep '[[:digit:]]' file. lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $. grep -E 'word1|word2' filename grep 'purchase' demo.txt You need exactly one c followed by anything, that would be: Regular Expressions is nothing but a pattern to match for each input line. The alternation operator | (pipe) allows you to specify different possible matches that can be literal strings or expression sets. In this example match two numeric digits. If you gotta look for pattern , forget about the text attached to it. verry usefull. RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp). hello can some one please help me i would like to grep a password from an html file on my own network but i cannot get my head round how to only display the correct bit of info. grep provides a simple glob search but also provides regex support which is very useful for complex search ant matches. Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014 Matching Sets of Characters. how will i Find all lines in a file with exactly 9 characters in them using grep command. The dot (.) Our next example will match any row of at least three letters ‘c’. But, what if you need to match dot (.) 5.TabTest 1 Enable Regex with Grep. Thanks for any suggestions! > Use the following syntax to display all lines that contain both ‘word1’ and ‘word2’ Match the preceding item zero or more times. In this example, mobile number which is in the following format: 91-1234567890 (i.e TwoDigit-TenDigit) will … By default, the grep command is case sensitive. Using Regular Expressions. Match on a number "4" or "7". (E1) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep ‘\t?’ testgrep-tabs.txt You can search for blank lines with the following examples: 1. it has to start with upper case or lower case letter. In GNU’s implementation of grep there is no functional difference between the basic and extended regular expression syntaxes. A regular expression, or regexp, is a way of describing a set of strings.Because regular expressions are such a fundamental part of awk programming, their format and use deserve a separate chapter.. A regular expression enclosed in slashes (‘/’) is an awk pattern that matches every input record whose text belongs to that set. In the example below, we are searching for all occurrences of the words fatal, error, and critical in the Nginx log error file: If you use the extended regular expression, then the operator | should not be escaped, as shown below: Grouping is a feature of the regular expressions that allows you to group patterns together and reference them as one item. Our final example find all filenames starting with purchase but ending with db: Enable Regex with Grep By default grep do not supports regex patterns. lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ cat testgrep-tabs.txt test 1 Sample outputs: grep '192\.168\.1\.254' hosts Note that the strings may need to be enclosed in quotes. (It you want a bookmark, here's a direct link to the regex reference tables).I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference. Next I need to find all filenames starting with purchase and followed by another character: echo “$a” | grep “\[[0-9]+,[0-9]+\]” should work but doesn’t and echo “$a” | grep -e “\[[0-9]{1,}\,[0-9]{1,}\]” should work but doesn’t…, a='[12,111]’ Nslookup won’t do here. How do i find a string using grep. [[:digit:]]\{10\}" filename, Pass the --color as follows: (B3) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep -E ’11’ testgrep-tabs.txt Mon Dec 29 02:26:06 2014 5.TabTest 1 9.first there are ordinary spaces, but now: a TAB * + ? Test 1 The easiest way to utilize regular expressions is through grep (check out the basic tutorial on grep if you haven't already) and by using its extended regular expression option, i.e. %~\cite{blah}, but is not only does not throw any error, it does nothing at all, clear, concise, useful. 7.T a b T e s t grep is a very popular tool used to match given search patterns in the given text. Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014, i want result as: $ grep "[0-9]\{5,\}" number 12345 123456 19816282 . Grep command supports some special character classes that denote certain common ranges. I have to export data from hundreds of output files, and all the output files contain this information based on some rules. hi, The problem is that these things will appear many times alone in the text, but just once in this order and as one line from start to end. Match the number "3". \t* will find 0 or more Tabs. I just want to grep for a n digit number followed by M alphabet. Tabs are what I was shooting for, and your solution works perfectly! The ? Match line only containing foo: There are similar capabilities across the range of tools, ... (NANP) conventions for phone numbers. egrep "v{2}" filename The following commands produce no output at all (even though TAB is hex 9 = oct 011): I am trying to use grep to print the zip codes starting 9 and can only contain digits between 4-7. notatest If anyone can validate my understanding for the above snippet. 4.TABT EST *?, +?, and ?? Thanks in advance. -l, –files-with-matches, Shantanu ,how can I get the line above of my search. The following expression matches each line that starts with a capital letter: grep also support predefined classes of characters that are enclosed in brackets. Display whose name ending with e or i, Your email address will not be published. However – why does the message at the top of the page have to keep changing? What a long title. Any help in this regard. [[:digit:]]{1,3}' filename Patterns are used to determine if some other string, called the "target", has (or doesn't have) the characteristics specified by the pattern. The latter matches any character that is neither a digit nor whitespace. So if you were searching for “gnu”, grep will also print the lines where “gnu” is embedded in larger words, such as “cygnus” or “magnum”. u”somethinghere”somethinghere”somethinghere” where none of the somethinghere has a ” or , u’ in it. ... word, digit, whitespace \W \D \S: not word, digit, whitespace [abc] any of a, b, or c [^abc] not a, b, or c [a-g] character between a & g: Anchors ^abc$ grep '' hosts Extended Regular Expressions. – first: grep every line with whitespace(s) in, and What I have so far works without capture groups, however it does nothing when using them. AQPC started with pid=54, OS id=15112 e (It you want a bookmark, here's a direct link to the regex reference tables).I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference. A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp; also referred to as rational expression) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern.Usually such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation.It is a technique developed in theoretical computer science and formal language theory. Following command is quite complex to look upon, but it works (at least for me it does): 9.first there are ordinary spaces, but now: a TAB grep -o regex filename. This seemingly trivial program is extremely powerful; its ability to sort input based on complex rules makes it a popular link in many command chains. Searching for multiple patterns , egrep is the way to do it . Hi Vivek, But if you observe, this command failed to capture other lines containing "abcd". Grep Regular Expression A regular expression or regex is a pattern that matches a set of strings. In Introducing regular expressions, I covered what they are and why they’re useful.Now let’s take a deeper look at how they’re created. This example matches three digits other than 999. If i use Below we use grep with the -E (extended regex) option which allows interpretation of the pattern as a regular expression. -E. For the purpose of this guide, we'll use the following excerpt (referred to as excerpt.txt) from President Obama's Jan. 10, 2015, weekly address, "Resurgence is Real". I am trying to find if the text has patterns of the form u”””” where , and should not contain ” or , u’. You can escape the dot (.) I want to tell my grep command that I want actual dot (.) 4.TABT EST This means that the uppercase and lowercase characters are treated as distinct. Due to the OR ‘|’ symbol in this case, a line can start matching with “[0-9]” and to ensure that all lines that doesn’t start wilh ‘dot’ when takes alternate path must ensure that it starts with only digit, we need to prefix another ‘^’ symbol. Line 9 has mostly ordinary spaces, but between the words ‘now:’ and ‘a’ is a single TAB char.). cmd: grep -v printf *.c. Read the grep man page for details. 2. basic: The POSIX basic regular expressions or BRE. My grep doesn’t understand hex, octal or unicode (‘\xFF’, ’77’, or \uFFFF) sequences either. 3.a-line-which-will-always-be-skipped The following table shows some of the most common special backslash expressions: The following pattern will match separate words “abject” and “object”. Regular Expressions in grep Grep with Regex multiple characters. The preceding item is optional and will be matched, at most, once. In this example, I will match mobile number which is in the following format 91-1234567890 (i.e TwoDigit-TenDigit) GNU grep has a -P option (perl) that can be used: grep -P ‘\t’, > The following regex to find an IP address will not work: Just a shot-in-the-dark. [tim@kyushu ~]$. The \d is not supported (not in POSIX but is in GNU grep -P). SELECT *FROM yourTableName WHERE yourColumnName REGEXP '^[0-9]{10}$'; Dec 30, but i am getting only that line not the lines below it, i need the lines below the date lines too, i am giving –> .java, .jsp, .html, .js etc). Generally for a three digit number i can give grep [0-9][0-9][0-9]M , but if the digits are increasing it is tough to represent them. Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014 Search vivek or raj in any case Use the regexp feature below, with a preceding character expression. To use Tabs, use \t as expected followed by a qualifier (ex. 3 Replies. Thank you for the prompt response. GTX0 started with pid=51, OS id=15088 A pattern consists of operators, constructs literal characters, and meta-characters, which have special meaning. any character except newline \w \d \s: word, digit, whitespace – second: use sed on the grep output, to root out the lines, that do *not* have any TAB chars in them (in this case it removes only one line, number 8). I have recieved a file which cotains unknown character,below are few characters In this article, we’re going to explore the basics of how to use regular expressions in the GNU version of grep, which is available by default in most Linux operating systems. $ grep "S.*Kumar" file.txt This article is contributed by Akshay Rajput . For example, [a-a] is equivalent to [abcde] and [1-3] is equivalent to [123]. Thanks to all who post ideas, questions, etc. von Ubuntu enthalten und ist deshalb auf jedem System installiert. Sample outputs: You can display only lines starting with the word vivek only i.e. !Well, A regular expression or regex, in general, is a If you like our content, please consider buying us a coffee.Thank you for your support! grep 'vivek' /etc/passwd Search Multiple Words / String Pattern Using grep Command, Grep Count Lines If a String / Word Matches, Grep From Files and Display the File Name, grep command: View Only Configuration File Directives, 30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013, 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X, Top 32 Nmap Command Examples For Linux Sys/Network Admins, 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Linux Sys Admins, 30 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know, Linux: 25 Iptables Netfilter Firewall Examples For New SysAdmins, Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices, Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices. GNU grep is the default on all Linux systems. [tim@kyushu ~]$ grep -E ‘\t?’ testgrep -r, –recursive Übereinstimmung überall finden: Standardmäßig wird ein regulärer Ausdruck eine Übereinstimmung, sofern vorhanden, an einer beliebigen Stelle innerhalb einer Zeichenkette finden. by preceding it with a \ (backslash): You could use a look-ahead assertion: (? These can be combined using look-around assertions (described under Extended Patterns in the perlre manpage) to remove part of the grep pattern from what is determined to have matched for the purposes of -o. (A1) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep ‘\s’ testgrep-tabs.txt You can either pass -P to gnu grep, for perl-like regexps, or use [[:digit:]] instead of \d . grep '[vV][iI][Vv][Ee][kK]' filename I’m using a grep command to find if the character is present, followed by sed to replace these character with ”(empty space). Likewise grep(pattern="^0", x=vec) returns 1 as I would expect because element 1 starts with a zero Some time we need the result in reverse manner. Installation¶ Das Programm grep ist im essentiellen Paket. RCBG started with pid=52, OS id=15092 Top Regular Expressions. character (period, or dot) matches any one character. This operator has the lowest precedence of all regular expression operators. -name “*.tex” -print | xargs sed -ri ’s/~\cite{*}/%~\cite{*}\n/g’, so all the citations are replaced by the same expression only with % in front and a new line at the end so ~\cite{blah} becomes EF42 Represents the range if it’s not first or last in a list or the ending point of a range in a list. So only in C locale all [0-9], [0123456789], \d and [[:digit:]] mean exactly the same. In basic regular expressions, the meta-characters ... digit:]. Grep is a command line utility in Unix and Linux systems. It returns only ” i” The following example will only match an IP address: tail -f /var/log/mysql-slow.log | grep ‘someTable’, Show the 10 lines After and Before the selected word using -A 10 -B 10 -C 10 (for both, after and before), Other useful switches are: grep -o ‘i_beaconen_h’ file name. grep 'purchase..db' demo.txt, A dot (.) Only thing I miss from other Unices is grepping for a metacharacter. Since we are planning to grep for "abcd", our command would be: # grep -E "^abcd$" /tmp/somefile abcd. Recursively replace with RegEx w/ grep & sed while maintaining capture groups? !999)\d{3} This example matches three digits other than 999. It will not match the words if embedded in larger words: Regular expressions are used in text editors, programming languages, and command-line tools such as grep, sed, and awk . It means the text I am reading keeps bouncing up and down every few seconds, which is really annoying when you’re trying to read it! Vi_beaconen_h i_beaconen_h 0 PWL( (D1) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep ‘[\t]{1,}’ testgrep-tabs.txt Regular expressions are patterns that can match text according to user’s needs. Word boundary (\b) \b is to match for a word boundary. Thanks In advance. The preceding item will be matched one or more times. > Got to correct myself, if this worked as expected: The nl really isn’t a problem, because, as you pointed out, there are other ways around it. R regular expression functions, syntax, include grep, grepl, regexpr, sub and gsub a b c g e f g h a b c d e f g h I am working on analysis of one of the website and I am using grep command. Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014 (B2) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep -e ’11’ testgrep-tabs.txt 9.first there are ordinary spaces, but now: a TAB You can mimic this behavior by using negative look-arounds: ^((?!hede). The only whitespace marker that works with my grep is ‘\s’, and that matches all types of blank: ‘ ‘, TAB, FF, and (when newlines are treated as ordinary characters) CR, and LF. thx for the regex examples. I need to grep from a big 6GB oacle alert.log file. 5.TabTest 1 So: grep -c $’t’ (or $’\n’ etc.) ]$’ for java Assert position is the end of the string or line. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. This means that you can use grep to see if the input it receives matches a specified pattern. Test What is the significance of .\+ in grep? This section covers the regular expressions allowed in the default mode of grep, grepl, regexpr, gregexpr, sub, gsub, regexec and strsplit.They use an implementation of the POSIX 1003.2 standard: that allows some scope for interpretation and the interpretations here are those currently used by R.The implementation supports some extensions to the standard. This doesn’t seem to work as i only get lines with word2 as output. egrep 'c{3,}' filename Within a bracket expression, the name of a character class enclosed in “[:” and “:]” stands for the list of all characters belonging to that class. Matches the empty string at the end of a line. grep searches one or more input files for lines that match a regular expression and writes each matching line to standard output. 8.this line only has ordinary spaces (ascii 32 = hex 20) That is a bit much; but it leads to the next portion: ### WHAT WORKS Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN /* db agent *//* {1:26602:59235} */, and so on. Line and word anchors . Hi guys The utilities allow the user to search text files for lines that match a regular expression (regexp). The grep command is used to locate information stored anywhere on your server or workstation. So far i can understand first part of your question , for that solution is to use either ” ^ ” or -v with the grep. temp=`echo $file_timestamp | egrep ‘^(20)[0-9][0-9](0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0123])([0-5])[0-9]([0-5])[0-9]$’`; The following returns the content of file_timestamp if it satisfies the pattern else returns null to the variable temp. Basic Regular Expression. * regex matches any number of any characters: The ? $ find -name “*.html”| xargs grep “^[A-Za-z]\{4\}.*[.,\!\? ### OR ### Heck - regex writing isn't a trivial task; regex is what gives Perl the moniker of "line noise" (Perl can be a very nice language to look at, as long as you stay away from excessive regex usage and format things properly - two things which I think aren't in the vocab of most Perl coders). or better: OR Starting background process AQPC Note: Did you know that you can use bzgrep command to search for a string or a pattern (regular expression) on bzip2 compressed files. We will explain the meaning of these and other meta-characters later.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'linuxize_com-box-3','ezslot_5',139,'0','0'])); Generally, you should always enclose the regular expression in single quotes to avoid the interpretation and expansion of the meta-characters by the shell. The . 2.TabTest-no-tabs-here egrep ‘[0-255]\..’ /dir/filename. – see NonGreedyRegexp. grep. test 1 I want it to return ” i_beaconen_h” [Or anything with i*] GNU grep supports three regular expression syntaxes, Basic, Extended, and Perl-compatible. are non-greedy versions of *, +, and ? A: You can use regular expressions with grep. (C1) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep ‘[\t]+’ testgrep-tabs.txt ^[\w\s]{0,8}$ will match rows of 0 to 8 word or space characters. For newlines, just use quotes before and after, e.g. Please persevere, because they are used in many UNIX tools, from more to perl.Unfortunately, some tools use simple regular expressions and others use extended regular expressions and some extended features have been merged into simple tools, so that it looks as if every tool has its own syntax. I have found a solution (see end of post). egrep 'word1|word2' filename Display all the lines containing either a “w” or “n” character: When using basic regular expressions, the parenthesis must be escaped with a backslash (\).eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'linuxize_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',149,'0','0'])); The following example matches both “fearless” and “less”. Not sure !!! Following all are examples of pattern: egrep '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\. The command grep may also be used with regular expressions by using one or more of eleven special characters or symbols to refine the search. character classes seem to be declared with double brackets now: $ grep -r ‘[:space:]+$’ Controller/* This is ... blocks are the regular expressions that match a single character. The following will match word Linux or UNIX in any case: What is grep? this can find lines in file which contain test1,test2 and test3 patterns. If you use Linux for regular work or developing and deploying software, you must have come across the grep command. ASM2_BH3CO_HF/6-311++G(2d,p) grep 'foo.*bar\|word3. In this explainer article, I'll tell you what is grep command and how does it work. The above regular expression … (D2) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep -e ‘[\t]{1,}’ testgrep-tabs.txt \bc.*. Save & share expressions with others. (A3) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep -E ‘\x09′ testgrep-tabs.txt : Mon Dec 29 02:26:06 2014 *, +, ?). [0-255]{1,3}’ my_file.txt, egrep ‘[0-255]{1,3}\.[0-255]{1,3}\.[0-255]{1,3}\. is for matching any single character and \+ is for numerous matching instances of preceding character. Note: I included the regex ‘\t?’ even though it is a little incorrect; because – if it worked – it would simply match the sequence “a TAB char that may be followed by another char”. w1|w2 g :) Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. egrep '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\. Thanks in advance .. Would be glad if anyone could help me out. For instance, in dg/ux to count the number of tabs in a document I could do a. or a \n for newlines, a \f for page feeds, etc. 2.TabTest-no-tabs-here grep “.*test1.*test2. grep '^foo$' filename Grep or Global Regular Expression Print is used to search for text or patterns in a Linux system. The following example finds all strings with 3 or more digits: grep -oE '[[:digit:]]{3,}' excerpt.txt 2014 240 000 2014 1990 2014 Word boundaries. ”, and my grep command of this regex is seriously covered on the LX0-101 exam, but you won’t find anything on it with the LabSim or Skillsoft courses. lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $, These commands match and print all the lines that have some kind of whitespace in them: Tue Dec 30 02:25:25 2014 OR How can I find all the rows that contain a certain string a given number of times? 3 – vi editor. But in fact it returns 3 4. “371449635398431”. Refer man page of grep to know various character class expressions. How would I search a file and print 4-letter words that start and end with the letter a? It is a pattern that is matched against the text to be searched. Now let's suppose we want to further restrict our search, and find all the lines starting with an "o" and ending with a "," character. T e s t 2. it has to be more than 4 characters. Also, \W, \B, and \Sc match any character that does not match \w, \b, and \sc. Say you want to Match both ‘Vivek’ or ‘vivek’: p. Hi, A regular expression, or regexp, is a way of describing a set of strings.Because regular expressions are such a fundamental part of awk programming, their format and use deserve a separate chapter.. A regular expression enclosed in slashes (‘/’) is an awk pattern that matches every input record whose text belongs to that set. Wow, this is insanely helpful. What you need is 5 numbers with at least one digit: grep -E '[0-9]+([^0-9]+[0-9]+){4}' [0-9]+ - a number of at least one digit [^0-9]+[0-9]+ - a number with at least one digit, preceded by at least one non-digit character. Note: the caret ‘^’ when appear at the beginning indicates a line start anchor. Hi, (dot) character. If first 3 was matched, it should be matching subsequent 3’s and not other characters such as 345362. Required fields are marked *, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. The correct expression is: grep -E “^\.|^[0-9]” wildcards.txt. do not display vivekgite, vivekg etc: Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. 1 – sed 5. In this example match all 3 character word starting with “b” and ending in “t”: Print all lines with exactly two characters: 1.notamatch thereisnotabhere Sample outputs: Let us find all filenames starting with purchase: p, awk ‘{print $4;}’ word.txt |grep [^d] The following example displays lines starting with the vivek only: vec <- c("012 foo", "305 bar", "other", "notIt 7") grep(pattern="[:digit:]", x=vec) would return 1 2 4 since they are the four elements that have digits somewhere in them. To interpret the pattern as an extended regular expression, use the -E ( or --extended-regexp) option. [:digit:] Only the digits 0 to 9 [:alnum:] Any alphanumeric character 0 to 9 OR A to Z or a to z. 5.TabTest 1 by man page, use of % fgrep; and % egrep; is deprecated and % grep -F; and % grep -E; should be used instead. * is a quantifier, so "c*" would match "zero, one or more 'c' characters". By default, 'grep' prints the matching lines. Hi, Prerequisite: grep. \> Match the empty string at the end of word. You can use the “.” for a single character match. Matching mobile number using regex with grep. Count all words that contain a letter, two letters, and then a repeat of the first letter? Let us match digits and upper and lower case characters. When i search for a pattern like u”[^”]*”[^”]*”[^”]*”, u”somethinghere”, u’somethinghere’ : u”somethinghere”, But what I really want to check is if the text has patterns like : grep '[A-Za-z]' filename Unfortunately, that seems not to work – at least in RHEL5, [tim@kyushu ~]$ cat testgrep These regular expression grammars are defined in std::regex_constants: 1. The following will match “right”, “sright” “ssright” and so on: Below is more advanced pattern that matches all lines that starts with capital letter and ends with either period or comma. The $ (dollar) symbol matches the empty string at the beginning of a line. Test I want to print only ” i_beaconen_h” Here is my grep: $ grep "^ID. $ cat demo.txt It is important to note that grep looks for the search pattern as a string, not a word. replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found) we pick particular extension of file and search for that file through out the directories and then try to find all english sentences in these source files(exmp. You have to dig for it. a b c p e f g h Test Word-constituent characters are letters, digits, and the underscore. The grep understands three different types of regular expression syntax as follows: Search for ‘vivek’ in /etc/passswd grep -i “Tue Dec 30 0*” alert.log, result i get is: Matched IP addresses can be extracted from a file using grep command.. The following will match both “col” and “cool” words: The tables below are a reference to basic regex. lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $, (Except for line 8 and 9, all lines that appear to have ordinary space(s) in them do in fact have TAB(s). Other useful options are: This tells grep to search for a string that has a “b” immediately followed by “a”, “s”, and “h”. (A2) lsb@lsb-t61-mint ~ $ grep -e ‘\s’ testgrep-tabs.txt Match an empty string at the end of a word. ^3[47]\d{13}$